How to Prevent the infection of Cold & Flu?

What Really Works for Your Cold and Flu?

No matter how much you try to prevent cold or flu, you get the infection. The big question here is, what is the best way to prevent cold and flu. Prior to finding the methods of preventing cold and flu, you should know how the cold and flu infection spreads from one person to another person and then adopt the following steps to stop the spread of cold and flu germs. The second aspect is the role of your immune system which is extremely valuable and hence, you should also read about the methods in which you can increase the power of the immune system. In a nutshell, you can use the following measures to prevent flu and cold. so all of the issues related to the Nose, our Nose specialist in Nashik can provide proper treatment for all.

Can Vitamin C help boost your immune system?

Prior to getting cold or before they indicate the common symptoms and signs of cold, you may undergo anxiety, irritation or tickling in your throat. According to some analysis, studies if a person takes vitamin C rich diet or additions, then vitamin C helps in getting quicker recovery from cold. The cold infections do not hold around for long, but when a cold becomes full-blown, the help given by vitamin C is not so encouraging. Therefore, vitamin C cannot prevent cold, but it may make it go on faster. Though vitamin C’s cold-fighting capabilities are promising (as it reduces cold and flu symptoms), it cannot treat cold. Anyhow, those who are truly worried about their chronic cold and flu infections can think taking vitamin C rich foods. This will help significantly reduce the episodes of cold.

Is there one various important action that you can take to prevent the flu?

Yes, the most essential action that you can take to stop the flu is flu shot or vaccination as greatest physicians agree with this. You can get a flu shot every year. Newly published research knowledge and data show that a flu shot can reduce the risk of getting flu by around 55% to 60%. It also depends on how well the vaccine meets the type of flu virus that is moving around.

Zinc is most likely to help you fight a cold?

Zinc and the power to fight cold and flu go hand in hand. According to some studies and research, zinc helps prevent some proteins from building. Cold germs use that protein to increase and multiply. There is no research that claims that zinc stops colds, but it may assist shorten the duration of the virus and its sharpness if taken within 24 hours of the virus. It is better to maintain its usage for at least five days. But, do not use zinc nasal drops as they are not permitted by the FDA. Zinc tablets or syrup can make your cold shorter and fewer horrible.

Hand Washing is better at killing bacteria on your hands?

Regular handwashing can help prevent the spread of cold and flu bacteria by around 55% to 65%. In conditions wherever water is not easily available, sanitizer is a better option but is not as powerful as soap and water. Hand washing is helpful in all situations. However, if you don’t have any other option apart from using hand sanitizer, then go for the one that has at least 50 – 60% alcohol. It provides the best results.

Does Wiping Down Surfaces Help?

On surfaces such as sink taps, doorknobs, towel stands, bathroom taps, and other washroom surfaces, cold and flu infections can remain for up to 2 to 8 hours which means they can affect up to eight hours later. Hence, washing your hands regularly can help a lot in preventing the germs from entering inside the body. In addition, wiping down potential surfaces can decrease the risk of infection several times. By chance, if you touch any surface by your hand, then do not touch your eyes, face, and mouth until you diligently clean your hands.

What else can You Do?

1. Don’t visit a sick person.
2. Don’t shake hands with the sick persons.
3. Keep at least four to five feet away from sick persons.
4. Daily use good personal hygiene clean hands regularly & frequently with soap & water.
5. After shaking hands with an infected person, do not touch your eyes, face, and mouth with your hands.
6. Wash your hands with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds before and after shaking hand with an infected person.

Dr. Mukesh More Nose specialist in Nashik provide you a proper treatment on all your problems related to Ear, Nose, and Throat. For more details and information related to the ENT meet one of the famous Nose specialist in Nashik.

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