What Does Your Nose Say About Your Health?


Nose Conditiions

Runny nose, sneezing and stuffy nose show that you have a cold – which is a very common interpretation. But what does it suggest when you find it hard to breathe or when you smell something unusual or unpleasant that no one about you can sense? Are there any additional health conditions about which your nose says something? Let us know what your nose says about your health.

1. Runny Nose – Cold

Runny nose goes hand in hand with cold. A cold normally begins with a runny nose, sore throat, stuffy nose and sneezing. A runny nose is, in fact, the most typical symptom of a cold. The symptoms linked with common cold slowly manifest, gradually progress and then subside on their own. Drinking lots of fluids and taking rest makes you feel better when cold.

2. Phantom Smell: Brain Disorder

Sensing unusual odours can be a sign of something so serious. If you smell something, which is really not around and which could be foul, offensive to your nose, then it could be due to diseases like head injuries, brain tumours, epileptic seizures or different health condition like Parkinson’s disease. This type of sensation might be through one or both the nostrils for long or just like come and go. Whatever may be your case, straight away see your ENT doctor to rule out these conditions.

3. Phantom Smell: Sinus Infection

Sometimes you may sense unusual phantom smell it is a sign of sinus infections as they make your sense of smell insipid and taste repulsive. Though this type of bad odour sensation passes away on its own within a few weeks, your ENT specialist may recommend you to rinse your sinuses with saline water.

4.Runny Nose: Flu

A runny nose is also the most regular symptom linked with flu. Other symptoms of flu involve watery eyes, sneezing, body pain, chills, aches, and fever. Flu can stay on for a few days to weeks, but when the symptoms become worst, antiviral medicines can reduce the illness by about two to three days. However, in young children, men and women over 65 years ago, pregnant women, the risk of difficulties remain high. In people with heart diseases, diabetes, asthma and immunodeficiency disease the risk of difficulties is extremely high.

5.Nosebleeds: Dry Sinuses

Air wiped out by heat or extreme exposure to sunlight removes moisture from the sinuses owing to which your sinuses dry out and break. Dry sinuses get simply break down and hence blood capillaries in them leak blood. Bacteria also do to infect the area. Both these aspects favour a nose to bleed. However, the use of humidifier helps in making the dry sinuses wet by setting the moisture back into the air.

Haemorrhagic Telangiectasia, a unique genetic disease can also cause nosebleeds. People who have this type of situation may wake up to a bloody pillow or spot blood stains on their face or hands after waking up. Blood vessels in the nose become weak and lead to bleed more often without any apparent reason. The signs of this type of hereditary disorder show at a younger age. Those who are suffering from this type of disorder should consult an ENT specialist at the earliest because it may lead to severe health difficulties such as blood clot formation in the lungs and brain stroke.

Other Causes of Nosebleeds

Use of medications such as blood thinners, aspirin, nose picking, nasal sprays, allergies and genetic disorders like haemophilia can cause nosebleeds. Though the bleeding itself is not so serious, it is essential to consult an ENT doctor in Nashik. Furthermore, you should seek instant medical care if your nose bleeds for more than 30 minutes and when you find it hard to breathe or if you have damaged your nose.

1.A diminished sense of smell – Nasal Polyps or Nasal Mass

Those abnormal masses or growths are normally safe as long as they are not conflicting with your normal breathing and sense of smell but once they start blocking the normal flow of air, breathing and sense of smell then, you must treat them. Consultation with an ENT specialist in Nashik helps in determining the method of treatment.

2. Reduced Sense of Smell: Diabetes

The specific link between diabetes and a diminished sense of smell is not known, but high blood sugar levels can harm blood vessels, nerves or the organs that make up the complex system of the sense of smell. Raised blood glucose levels can also reverse the hormonal balance of your endocrine system and thus conflict with your smell sensing ability. If you believe that you may have a diabetes-related decreased sense of smell, then talk to your diabetologist or endocrinologist about how to manage the problem or how to prevent it from occurring.

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